December is here once again! This is my favorite time of year. Through all the decorations & lights & presents, it's a reminder that Jesus was born to save me & you.
Not everybody feels this is the most wonderful time of the year though. There may be some out there who are lonely, who are struggling with the loss of someone close to them, or some who may not be able to find that peace & joy that is so appropriately advertised throughout this season. Since I've started Nursing school (8 months til graduation!), I've met so many wonderful people. I've met people who made my day better, people who just wanted to talk about life and families, people who just wanted someone to laugh with them, cry with them, or just sit with them, and people who didn't feel like living another day. I learned through experience that this time of year isn't always wonderful for some.
I want to share with someone that YOU ARE WORTH IT. No matter what season/situation you find yourself in, whether good or bad, you are worth it and God is still God. He'll never leave & He'll never change. Allow your faith to run wild & know Him in a deeper way.
I'm reminded of one of my absolute favorite stories of faith & redemption in the Bible, found in Joshua 2. It's the short story of Rahab who took in the two spies to protect them. She was considered a harlot, someone who was "living in sin" yet, God sent the spies to her house. He chose her. The moment she opened her door, her faith would be forever changed. The beauty of this story is seeing how Rahab's past had been redeemed in order for God's plan to be fulfilled in her future. He saw that she was worth so much more than she believed herself.
Hebrews 11:31
By faith the harlot Rahab perished not with them that believed not, when she had received the spies with peace.
Where are you at right now? Are you lonely this season? Are you filled with an abundance of family and love? Are you fighting the same battle that's already been won?
Are you low on faith and deep in sin?
Hebrews 6:19
We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.
Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Don't let this season pass you by again. You are worth it!
Yes, yes, yes! Thank you for this. Such a beautiful reminder!