30 July 2014

Just Be Still

Two very short & simple words that force us into an uncomfortable place within our being. Has God ever whispered these words to you? Have you ever felt His overwhelming peace and just knew this is what He was desiring of you? It's not easy to be still in the midst of sadness or anger.It's not easy to be still when all we want to do is give up.  It's not easy to be still when the doctor gives you the dreaded news.

That was the beauty in Psalm 46.
In the midst of the chaos: Be still, and know that I am God
Even though the earth be removed and the mountains are carried into the sea (v 2): Be still, and know that I am God
Even when the waters roar and the mountains shake (v 3): Be still, and know that I am God

That's what He's asking of you. Although easier said than done, He'll take care of the rest. What are you struggling with today? What are you holding onto?

Be still, and know that HE is God.